Stay One Step Ahead: A Guide to Avoiding Cyber Fraud 

Stay One Step Ahead: A Guide to Avoiding Cyber Fraud 

Cyber fraud is a common issue during festivals due to the increase in online shopping.  

Phishing scams involve sending fraudulent emails or messages to obtain personal information.

Fake websites are     created by scammers to steal personal and financial information and should only be shopped on trusted and secure websites.

Online payment fraud involves using stolen credit card information to make purchases.

Malware attacks involve infecting computers or devices with malicious software that can steal      personal information or take control.

Use these extra cybersecurity pointers to safeguard yourself from cyber fraud: 

Make sure each of your internet accounts has a secure, distinct password.

To increase security, enable two-factor authentication.

Stay away from public Wi-Fi when shopping online.

Update the software and hardware on your devices.

Deals that look too   good to be true should be avoided.