Busting Pregnancy Myths: 10 Surprising Truths Every Expectant Parent Should Know

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Eating for Two? Not Exactly: Contrary to popular belief, pregnant women only need about 300 extra calories per day, not double their usual intake.

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Morning Sickness Misconceptions: Morning sickness can occur at any time of day, not just in the morning, and affects around 70-80% of pregnant individuals.

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Predicting Gender with Cravings: Cravings aren't a reliable indicator of a baby's gender; they're more likely influenced by hormonal changes and nutritional needs.

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The Myth of Perfect Skin: While some pregnant individuals may experience a pregnancy glow, others might face skin issues like acne due to hormonal changes.

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Exercise During Pregnancy: Exercise is generally safe and beneficial during pregnancy, with proper modifications and guidance from healthcare providers.

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The 40-Week Due Date Myth: Not all pregnancies last exactly 40 weeks; full-term pregnancy can range from 37 to 42 weeks.

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The Safety of Hair Dye: Limited exposure to hair dye during pregnancy is considered safe, especially after the first trimester, as minimal chemicals are absorbed through the scalp.

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No More Traveling? Not True: Travel during pregnancy is generally safe until late in the third trimester, with precautions and consultation with healthcare providers.

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The Flu Shot Controversy: The flu shot is recommended during pregnancy to protect both the mother and baby from complications associated with influenza.

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Pregnancy and Pets: With proper hygiene and care, owning pets, including cats, is safe during pregnancy and unlikely to harm the baby.

Image:  Unsplash

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